Mission & Vision
Many families & individuals in our community struggle to put food on their tables. Some of us who serve on the meal team have experienced the same struggles in our own lives. We believe that every family & individual deserves to have access to a home cooked meal.
Near-Term Vision
Calvary is committed to ongoing meal ministry throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has become even more challenging for families to have access to food during this time. Therefore we have continued our work through carry-out meals.
Long-Term Vision
When the pandemic eases, we will begin in-person meals with social distance, while also offering the carry-out meal option. We will also build our volunteer team for both the Thursday Meal and Community Meal by telling our story online here and on Sunday morning, and inviting folks to serve alongside us.
Overall Vision
We serve meals to our community to give glory to God who makes it possible for us to obtain the food and equipment necessary. The Meal team at Calvary is pleased and humbled to serve families & individuals on the west side of Cleveland.
Our Story
The food ministry has warmed the lives of many people, providing sustenance for the church builders from Hamilton to serving the people of Cleveland.
Our Team
We bless the hands that prepare us food, and give us the strength to serve the Lord.
We serve Thursday lunches each week. We serve a Community Meal dinner on the third Friday every month, hosted by leaders from Calvary, New Hope or Brunswick Reformed churches.