
Men, come and enjoy fellowship, breakfast, and bible study together as we meet at Frank’s Falafel House. Our Fall 2024 study is  “God’s Good News About Politics” (Intervarsity). It is the fall election season in the US. In this tense time it is tempting to be partisan. But what if we could learn  a framework for living under the kingship of Jesus, and apply his politics to ours? That might be a game-changer: we could engage wisely and faithfully, seeking the kingdom of God “in earth as in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

We meet every other week over breakfast or coffee/tea at Frank’s Falafel House, 1823 W. 65th Street. Look for the large group of guys! 🙂

Blessings on you!

 For more information, go to our church event page here OR contact Pastor Dean at 216-410-9543

Session 01

The study guide for Oct. 26 can be found here!

Session 02

The free study guide for Session 02 (Nov. 9) can be found here!

Session 03

The free study guide for Session 03 (Nov. 23) can be found here!